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As a man thinkest, so is he!

As a man thinkest in his heart, so is he!

Mindset is defined as “a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.”

Advertisers certainly take advantage of us - “perception is reality.”

Back in 1905, James Allen wrote about the power of thought in the 20th century’s first self-help classic, As a Man Thinkest. He felt there was a universal dynamic or law that linked thought to action to outcomes.

I was introduced to “mental models” from Peter Senge’s book, The Fifth Discipline. He wrote about the 5 disciplines of a learning organization, one of which is mental models. These are conceptual frameworks that affect how we view the world and act in it.

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming taught me that we all have our own “map of the world.” A program or lens through which we see the outside world. We are programmed, and we can re-program ourselves to personally grow and be better communicators.

Today, some people think mindset is everything. Like psychologist and researcher Carol Dweck who says mindset determines the course of your life (Mindset: The New Psychology of Success).

Or Michael Hyatt who states the brain is remarkable in that it translates the events of the world into storylines that inform how we think and how we live – but these storylines aren’t always true or based in fact (Mind Your Mindset: The Science That Shows Success Starts with Your Thinking).

We must be awake. Being awake is being aware.

Let’s now take mindset up a notch! (BAM!!). More thoughts for consideration…


Master the Art of Mindset: The Heart of High-Performance Leadership

In our busy world, every decision counts, especially for small to medium-sized businesses and nonprofits who can easily get lost in the noise.

Leaders face the challenge of not just steering the ship, but also charting its course through unknown and threatening waters.

What sets apart thriving organizations from the struggling ones often comes down to a single, potent factor - mindset.

Individuals must cultivate the mindset necessary for navigating modern organizational leadership.


Think Beyond: The Power of Disruption and Innovation

A leader's mindset isn't just about making decisions. It is also about being a disruptor, an innovator, and a creator.

It is about seeing what others might miss, envisioning opportunities where none seem apparent, and connecting the dots that lead to tangible results. Like seeing "platform" enterprises now rule the world and understanding the network effect.

Embracing this new mindset is to break free from the shackles of the status quo. It's about challenging norms, questioning assumptions, and being comfortable with discomfort to make progress.


The Art of Thinking BIG: Visionary Leadership in Action

Think BIG and position your organization for greatness.

Look beyond immediate challenges and envision a future where your business or nonprofit is #1 in your niche. Set audacious goals that inspire and mobilize your team.

A leader with a BIG mindset thinks strategically and anticipates trends. He or she positions their organization to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

It is not just about survival. It is about leading the marketplace and being a trendsetter.


Connect the Dots: The Strategic Leader's Playbook

One of the most powerful aspects of a leader's mindset is the ability to connect seemingly unrelated things.

Discern patterns, understand implications of market shifts, and predict the consequences of decisions. This skill is the hallmark of a true strategist.

Strategic thinking involves looking at the bigger picture and understanding how each decision fits into the grand narrative of your organization.

Align short-term actions with long-term vision. Create a roadmap to success.


Cultivate Heart-set: Lead with Passion and Purpose

I often use the phrase mindset/heart-set together. Why? Heart-set is the passion and purpose that fuels your thoughts and actions. It infuses your leadership with authenticity and meaning.

A leader with the right heart-set isn't just in business for the profits or accolades. He or she is driven by a deep sense of purpose.

Passionate leaders inspire others to join them on the journey. They create a culture where individuals are not just employees but contributors to a shared vision.

When a heart-set filled with passion and purpose, teams become more than the sum of their parts. They become a force.


Conclusion: Nurture a Mindset for Success

In the small to medium-sized business and nonprofit dynamic and often contrarian landscape, mastering the art of mindset is not an option – it is a necessity.

It is the force that propels you forward and turns challenges into opportunities. It transforms a good organization into a great one.

So, as you navigate the deep waters of leadership, cultivate your mindset/heart-set and channel your inner disruptor, innovator, creator, and strategist. Think BIG, connect the dots, and lead with passion and purpose.

In so doing, your organization will grow and scale and positively impact individuals and communities.

To your success