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215 East Bay St., Ste. 201K, #1731
Charleston, SC


11 Parklands Dr., Unit 1227
Bluffton, SC

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Frequently asked questions

Find answers to most commonly asked questions.

Is there a cost to get a 2nd opinion?

There is NO cost for this service. We believe in providing value upfront. You can email us or set up a time for a 15-minute phone conversation.

Our service is a twist on the physician's business model. The 2nd opinion is a quick way for business and nonprofit leaders to access a trusted mentor to get an expert perspective on what may be a pressing problem.

Where can I find the link to the Organizational Revenue Readiness Survey?

You can find the link throughout the website. For example, on the Home page, there are two yellow buttons in the middle of the webpage. You can also access the Survey from other web pages.

The first Get started button is under the header, Built with YOU in mind. Under the section on the Revenue Readiness Survey there is also a Get your survey button.

By clicking either button, you will be taken directly to a Google form that takes about 1 minute to complete. 

How much does a Revenue Readiness Survey cost?

There is NO cost for taking our Survey. But you may incur an "opportunity cost" if you don't take the survey.

Our desire is to provide upfront value. The Survey results gives you a basic picture of your organization's level of revenue readiness based on 11 principle-based strategies.

You get an overall score and immediate feedback based on your responses. You will see how "revenue ready" your organization is. More importantly, you'll discover "80/20 levers" that you can "pull" to increase both your organization's capacity and mission impact. 

For your convenience, here is the link to the Organizational Revenue Readiness Survey ( 

Can I have a Discovery conversation before completing an Organizational Revenue Readiness Survey?

You can schedule a time on Don's calendar for a conversation at any time. For the actual Debrief & Discover session, a Survey needs to be completed first. 

A Survey delivers valuable information to you, whether you decide to partner with us or not. You get a good indication of your organization's readiness for revenue growth and what operational processes might need some work. 

As mentioned, completing a Survey is the first step in the process. It is important that you gain immediate and valuable feedback

If you wish to engage in a Debrief & Discover conversation, it adds more value in the form of a "deep dive" into your survey results. And during our 45 minutes together, you can share what's working and what's not in your business or organization.  

The Survey and Debrief & Discover session are both complementary. You receive principle-based learning and a roadmap that you can follow to make DIY immediate improvements.

On average, what is the monthly investment for a Pilot Project?

Every situation is unique, so the actual investment varies depending on the situation. For a 60-day Pilot Project, you might expect an average investment in the $2,500 to $3,500 per month range.

Remember, the objective is to deliver at least 10x in value. So, for a 2-month engagement, we would look to uncover and deliver at least $50,000 to $70,000 in value. 

A Strategic Consult may proceed a Pilot Project or be recommended for unique growth situations. Depending on the situation, this may include a one-time investment. And our 10:1 ROI guarantee still applies.

Why do we start our relationship with a Pilot Project?

A Pilot Project is a good way for you to "test the waters" and get a priority problem under control for a small monthly investment over 2 - 3 months.  

And remember, you can engage directly with Extended Impact through any one of its free services or paid services - strategic advisory, fractional consulting, etc.

What is the difference between My BD/Revenue Advisor, Fractional Consulting, and Quarterbacked Relations?

Good question!

These are separate services. They can work together to compound your results.

1. My BD/Revenue Advisor provides bi-monthly, strategic mentoring, guidance and direction. You gain 80/20 insights and strategies that you can apply one by one to develop organizational capacity and growth.

You have an option to add a coaching component, if you feel accountability is something you might also need.

2. Fractional Consulting is a Done-for-You service. It essentially provides project management and execution for savings of up to 65%. Typical projects include database planning and management, customer (donor) relations, communications, prospect research, email marketing, copywriting, online fundraising, and more.

3. Quarterbacked Relations is similar to "managed services." Extended Impact manages outsourced expert relationships that deliver specific products or services to you when needed.

We can also manage any of your current vendors/suppliers and vet new partners for you. There are many benefits to “fractional” outsourcing.

- You get back your time and energy.

- Your team can focus and do what they do best.

- You leverage subject-matter experts to manage and execute projects.

- You have only one point of contact to engage with.

- You can save money.

- You develop a powerful extended enterprise!

Do you guarantee your services?

Yes, we do. We offer several unique guarantees.

1. You receive an Organizational Revenue Readiness report with immediate feedback on principles and strategies that you can use right away. 

2. You can arrange a 45-minute Debrief & Discover session for us to review your survey results, discuss your current situation, and uncover opportunities. 

You are guaranteed to come away with more awareness, insights, and information that you can take action at no cost.  

3. You are guaranteed to receive a complementary roadmap, right after the Debrief & Discover session. You get this report whether or not you decide to partner. The report includes an analysis, conclusions, and recommendations.

4. Strategic Advisory and Fractional Consulting services are guaranteed to save you up to 65%, while providing you with senior, proven professionals. Each situation is different, therefore interventions are customized (i.e. consulting, coaching, collaboration).

5. Strategic Consults (i.e. pilot projects) are guaranteed to deliver a minimum 10:1 ROI. For example, if the investment is $3,000, we look to uncover at least $30,000 in value.