You need to track and measure activities, performance, and outcomes. This allows you to know if you...
Uncover opportunities. Deliver revenues...
for business executives and nonprofit leaders who want more results with less effort, time, and money (you save 65%)!
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Valued clients, partners, and employers
Built with YOU in mind.
Survey + Discover + Diagnose + Strategize + Pilot + Select Relationship + Optimize
Want to do more for less? Want better customer (donor) relations? Need sustainable revenues?
Upfront value
Gain 80/20 insights and get a basic roadmap at no cost. Through a survey, and a debrief and discovery conversation, you uncover potential performance and growth opportunities for quick wins.
Baby steps
Your risk is minimal while your upside ROI is unlimited. We dive deeper with a strategic consult, diagnosis, and a gap analysis. You pick your most urgent problem. We design a 60 to 90-day pilot project and work towards solving your challenge.
It is the little things you do that have the greatest impact!
You are always in control. We analyze your pilot project results. You decide on your next step and how you'd like to partner, if at all. Get an 80/20 business mentor and strategist and/or a fractional project manager to improve overall performance.
Are You Revenue Ready?
Is your enterprise ready to find and maximize opportunities?
Take 1 minute to complete a short survey. Upon submission, you receive a copy of your completed survey. In addition, you get a revenue readiness score and valuable feedback that you can use immediately in your business.
Small hinges, swing BIG doors!!
Buried within the feedback are guiding principles, strategies, and insights. If diligently applied, you will create transformational breakthroughs for you and your business, organization, and community.
Achieve more with less - amazing!
Personalized services for you!
Get "right things done right," with the right partners, for less effort, time, and money.
My BD/Revenue Advisor
Strategic guidance + 80/20 insights + optional accountability = hit your goals with a better ROI.
Fractional Consulting
Proven strategy + experienced execution = your projects get managed, and you save up to 65%!
Quarterbacked Relations
Leveraged resources + brand power + relationships = you achieve greater focus, outcomes, and impact.
"We get expert guidance and direction whenever we need it. And having someone to lead strategy, project management, and fundraising execution is a must have!"
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Get Principle Impact - Maximize performance by following guiding principles and maximizing leverage.
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