Principle Impact: Maximize Performance with Principles for Nonprofit Leaders

A journey of learning to maximize your organization's performance.

Written by Don Stephenson | Dec 15, 2023 8:18:09 PM

In last week’s introductory post, we shared Extended Impact’s North Star.

And that is, “We believe in trusted, resourceful relationships and partnerships – an extended enterprise. Be principle-based, data-driven, holistically strategic, and customer-centric.”

The Dec 5th post also defined the word principle as – “a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior.”

You saw the premise that proven principles can provide the foundation to guide you to solve problems and improve performance in your business or organization.

We will attempt to prove this through a series of blog posts.

We’re going on a journey of learning. We’ll see where it leads and what signs we observe as we traverse “main highways, back roads, and detours.” Will you join us?

We are going to explore the principles that impact, or can impact, many areas in our lives. The plan is to dive deeper into each principle’s origin, applications, and success stories.

As with any trip, it is always important to know where we are, where we’re going, and any potential obstacles and opportunities. So, “You are here.”

Extended Impact’s Guiding Principles Starter List

  • As a man thinkest in his heart, so is he.As a Man Thinkest, James Allen
  • Achieve more with less. - The 80/20 Principle, Richard Koch (Vilfredo Pareto)
  • Begin with the end in mind. – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Leaders, Stephen Covey
  • Seek first to understand, then to be understood. - Stephen Covey
  • Go BIG or go home. - Harley Davidson (advertising slogan)
  • Small hinges, swing big doors. - W. Clement Stone
  • The obstacle is the path. - Marcus Aurelius (Ryan Holiday)
  • Don’t put lipstick on a pig. - Texas Governor Ann Richards
  • A fortune is in the follow-up. - Jim Rohn
  • The devil is in the details. - Ludwig Mies Van Der Roher
  • What gets measured, gets managed. - Peter Drucker
  • Opportunity lurks in everyone’s backyard. – Acres of Diamonds, Russell H. Conwell
  • Are you ignoring 97% of your customers?The Ultimate Sales Machine, Chet Holmes
  • Everything in sales and marketing is on the Power Triangle. – 80/20 Sales and Marketing, Perry Marshall
  • What’s in it for me? (WIIFM) - J.E. Lawrence
  • Focus + leverage + engagement + accountability. - The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX), Stephen R. Covey and Chris McChesney

The next blog post will begin our investigations. In the meantime, please feel free to do some personal research, send us feedback, and/or add to our starter list with your favorite principles.

Learn more about Organizational Revenue Readiness principles here.